5 tips to maximise stair safety in food manufacturing facilities


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Dec 03, 2023

5 tips to maximise stair safety in food manufacturing facilities

The food manufacturing industry of Australia presents a face-paced, standards conscience industry, fraught with risks and challenges like no other. Stairs present additional challenges, particularly

The food manufacturing industry of Australia presents a face-paced, standards conscience industry, fraught with risks and challenges like no other.

Stairs present additional challenges, particularly when they lead into or out of a production area. They can become slippery very easily, causing additional risks to stair safety. Working in this industry, we’ve seen the challenges with stair safety, and understand the need for safe, hygiene-friendly solutions that decrease the risks of slips, trips and falls downstairs.

Our 5 tips to maximise stair safety:

Case Study: Production exit staircase at a large small goods manufacturing facility

This project involved the upgrade of production exit staircases, which were too slippery and dangerous. Employees entered the stairs, after working in a production area with food product on their boots.

This only increased the slipperiness of the stairs. In order to change this, we removed all existing slip resistant measures, and installed our own two pack, water based acrylic copolymer coating to the stairs with an incorporated slip resistant film.

The company also set up a boot wash walk through prior to entering the stairs to ensure only clean boots entered the stairs. This project excelled expectations and has significantly increased safety in the area.

Our 5 tips to maximise stair safetythe image below.Case Study: Production exit staircase at a large small goods manufacturing facility